Festive Dreams

We have only managed to miss one National Arts Festival since Sarah was born. Braving the colder inland weather, the girls seem to have an unquenchable thirst for theatre.  What’s not to love?


Each day we simply move from story to story with great coffee thrown into the mix.

The  rawness of theatre always takes me by surprise as I adjust to the intensity of the experience in contrast to the clatter of the screen.


With limited access to the performing arts –  living where we do – 10 days of Amazing! is a bit like a strong, wet, downfall after a long dry spell.

In the early years the street theatre was our only option with bouncing babies strapped to our chests, yet even now it still seems to be our form of choice….Viva Performing Arts!


 Celebrating another National Arts Festival and the Compagnie Des Quidams on the Drostdy Lawns July 2014